Instant Read Gauge with Glow in the Dark Dial MAN LAW MAN-T816CBBQ
Instant Read Gauge with Glow in the Dark Dial MAN LAW MAN-T816CBBQ
Use this fantastic little instant read dial thermometer to make sure that your steaks, chicken etc are cooked perfectly, then hide it back in your shirt pocket & they'll all think your a BBQ genius!! Well may-be you are, but this will make sure. Made from Stainless steel, it has a glow in the dark dial and pointer, probe cover, its dishwasher safe and its NSF listed. Temperature range -10°C to 110°C.
Diamond Grill Cleaning Tool With Pad
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Heavy duty scotch brite cleaning pad for plates and grills
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Topnotch Super Clean Cleaning Liquid for Stainless Steel Hotplates & Grills
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Clean Cook BBQ and cooking Teflon BBQ Sheet .13mm / 127 micron thick
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